August 31, 2020

My Journey as a blogger

 Writing has always been a part of my life, at a young age I knew I was going to be a writer.  I also knew I loved helping others so if my words could help those find something they have been searching for, I have done my job. Over the years, how we receive information has changed so when I decided to start this blogger's journey I was ready for the ride.

In 2012, I decided since I loved reading blogs and loved using my own social media platform to share content, why not start my own. So, that's what I did, I began my journey as a blogger and in the beginning I didn't know what I wanted my topics to include. So, I started writing and sharing content that included topics such as movies, review, recipes, lifestyle, and interviews, and independent artist write-ups. I later learned while revamping I wanted to create a space could be taken even more serious so I could build a site that could help me to elevate as a blogger.


It's no secret that as a blogger you have to have a niche that will work for you blog. A lot of people think starting a blog is easy, I can say yes and no. With the right tools and niche you can grow a blog easily,  but without them your blog will struggle. When I first begin blogger my niche wasn't set on just one particular topic. Which I understand now that me trying to cover everything on my site confused the readers and brands that I was interested in working with. Looking back to the beginning I wished I would've chosen my topics and niche wisely.

"It worked for a while, then something changed"

When I first began my blog everything I was writing worked for my audience, I was getting a lot views and feedback and I was receiving paid sponsorship deals. Then after a while things changed, and it wasn't due to the content it was all because of me as a writer. I had a life shift that pulled me to focus content that differed from what I was writing about. With this change I began writing more about lifestyle topics and this felt more fulfilling to me. I know as bloggers, we look forward to building something we can make a living with, that was why I felt the need to switch topics. Most importantly I want to create content that would help and reach a bigger audience.

"Change is good"

Starting over with new fresh content helped me to finding even more success and creating posts the resonate with my audience. My blog is to inform and inspire and now as I reminisce back to 2012, that is all I wanted from the beginning. My growth over the years as been satisfying and as a blogger has filled a void inside me. So, for any aspiring bloggers reading this, I want you to understand just how important it is to always knowing your niche.

Here are two helpful articles.

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